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Sunday, December 16, 2012

or maybe it will model your peer group

How to Start Living Your Ultimate Life by Rod Hairston
Can a missile hit its target if no one programs in a destination? Can it even be launched? No! The missile's guidance mechanism needs to know the destination. Think of yourself as that missile, and your Vision as the program that gets you to your destination. I know you're saying, "But, I've never created a Vision for myself." When you do not consciously create a Vision for yourself, your unconscious mind creates one for you. You are headed somewhere. In every category of your life, such as your career, your relationships, and your energy, you are following a plan designed by your unconscious mind.
Everyone is following a plan. This is so important to understand. If you do not deliberately create a Vision for each category of your life,5854 Ugg Classic Mini Chestnut Boots, your unconscious mind will do it for you. Maybe it will create the Vision from significant emotional events in your past, or maybe it will model your peer group, or the media, or your childhood beliefs or your parents behavior,appearing in fashion magazines or fashion show. If you don't know where you're going, just look around at your life because your unconscious mind has had to create a vision for each category of your life in order for you to function. This is so important to understand.
Are You Playing "Let's Make a Deal" with Your Life?
On the TV show "Let's Make a Deal," you can give up what you have now for the promise of whatever is behind "curtain number three." Sometimes it's a new car, but most times it's a herd of goats. That's how some people live their life. "Well, I'm going to make a deal with my health. We'll just see how it turns out," or "I'm going to make a deal with my relationship. It stinks right now, but maybe we'll stay together." Or "I'm going to make a deal with my finances. I'm broke and I'm doing the same old things, but...."
I can hear you saying, "What if I write down a Vision and have no idea how to make it happen? What if I write a vision down and I don't know how to get it done?" It's not about how. The Vision compels you to develop the belief and the faith and everything else that you need. It's about believing and then seeing. I have a friend and client who is the chairman of the most successful online mortgage company in the world. He borrowed five thousand dollars 14 years ago and has parlayed that to a fortune at least worth six hundred million. He's created an environment for over two thousand people that's so supportive and great that it was voted the twelfth best place to work for in Fortune magazine.
I asked him how he did it and he said, "Rod, you'll see it when you believe it, not before."
In order to believe anything you have to have something to believe in. The how will come. You'll be amazed at what you draw into your life. You have to start with the vision, though. You have to! And you have to make it big,Gadgets and Gizmos, you have to make it bright, you have to allow it to give energy to you and to your life. You can always change it, but it's time to wake up and realize you're in the game; you might as well play. It's time now to start living and stop letting your automatic patterns hold you back. It's time to expand and really, really design a world the way you want it to be. And hopefully your world will promote happiness, not just for you, but for everybody that has the opportunity to be around you.

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